
LuxERA Board Members:

Ineke Pit-ten Cate: President
Research Scientist
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET)
Justin J.W. Powell: Vice President
Professor of Sociology of Education; Study Director
University of Luxembourg, Institute of Education & Society
Jennifer Dusdal: Treasurer & Membership Officer
Research Scientist
University of Luxembourg, Institute of Education & Society
Antoine Fischbach: Vice Treasurer
Associate Professor in Educational and Psychological Measurement; Vice-Dean of FHSE
University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE)
Christina Haas: General Board Member
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET)
Joanne Colling: Event Coordination
Research and Development Specialist, Postdoctoral researcher
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET)
Claudine Kirsch: General Board Member
Professor for Language didactics and Literacies
University of Luxembourg, Institute for Research on Multilingualism

Sabrina Sattler: General Board Member
Postdoctoral Researcher
Observatoire national de l’enfance, de la jeunesse et de la qualité scolaire

Lena Maria Kaufmann: Emerging Researcher’s Representative
Doctoral Researcher
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET)

Charlotte Keuler: General Board Member
Doctoral Researcher
University of Trier, Department III – Didactics of Social Sciences


LuxERA Founding Members  during the Signature Event on 8th November 2017
(front row, l. to r.: Alyssa Laureen Grecu, Béatrice Arendt, Jennifer Dusdal, Christina Haas, Marcelo Marques, Justin Powell, Andreas Hadjar, Claudine Kirsch, Thomas Lenz, Ariane König;
back row, l. to r.: Ineke Pit-ten Cate, Sascha Neumann, Patrick Sunnen, Antoine Fischbach, Sonja Ugen, Kristina Hondrila, Karl Arthur Pickar)

LuxERA Photos

LuxERA a.s.b.l. Satzung   |  Invitation to Members’ Plenary